Bridge the Gap: Intersectionality Through Art

Howdy y'all!!!! Last Thursday (which was also the LAST NIGHT OF NOVEMBER shook), APASA partnered with other USG assemblies for this year's Late Night SC event-- Bridge the Gap: Intersectionality Through Art.

Put simply, the event was about you! Centralized on the theme of identity, the event showcased what makes a person who they are, from their gender to their ethnicity, and really just celebrated the different aspects that come into finding one’s identity. In this day and age, identity has become so much more than just a list of adjectives. We are the unique combinations of experiences impossible to recreate; we are the spaces between definitions; and we are all still just on some convoluted journey in which we continue to define ourselves.

With so many performances and pieces, there was never a dull moment. It’s so awesome to see the wonderful talent we have here at USC, but even greater to see the stories behind what would’ve been just another face you pass on the streets (or Trousdale c: ).

One performance that really resonated to me was an Asian-American guy and his spoken word. A lot of Asian American kiddos grow up bringing traditionally Asian food to lunch. And when you’re a little elementary schooler just trying to make some friends, it’s weirdly jarring when the food you enjoy at home gets called “stinky” or “gross” at school. What the artist depicted so beautifully was his dream for his own kids-- that instead of getting asked what nasty food they’ve got in their lunch boxes today are met with comments about how lucky they are they get a home-cooked meal for lunch instead of cheese sticks and Uncrustables.

Last Thursday's showcase presented artistic work that was at its very core genuine. From paintings and sculptures to spoken word and performances, the message was wholly real and raw and important to the artist’s identity. People of vastly different backgrounds came together to showcase their own stories in their own ways--and honestly I’m pretty sure they put into words what a lot of audience members have gone through as well. Being able to see them all together truly illuminated the intersections that form our identities.

An added bonus was that the event had interactive booths that gave the people who attended an outlet for their own identities, too! People could make cute little glass jars of colored sand that represented different aspects of identity (race, gender, etc)-- literally POURING out your soul in front of others :’). The button making table was poppin’, with people really getting excited about the opportunity to create something that they could show off as something they vibed with.  Or if they were feeling crafty, people also made comics or posters from magazines at the Zines table. The classic chalkwall challenged people to draw something that answered the question, “What exactly makes you, YOU?” With finals coming up around the corner, I’m glad people got to take time out of their stressful lives and just reflect on something more important than classes and papers-- you! :)

Serena Zhuevents, fall17, fall